Paul di Sant’Agnese Society
Legacy Society
Allowing us to recognize you can inspire others.
The Paul di Sant’Agnese Legacy Society is a group of Cystic Fibrosis Foundation supporters who have made a lasting commitment by making a legacy gift. It is a special way for us to honor your gift, while encouraging others to follow your example.
Dr. Paul di Sant’Agnese was a physician and researcher, and one of the first clinicians to devote his life to understanding and conquering cystic fibrosis. His pioneering studies led to the development of the sweat test, which is still regarded as the gold standard in CF diagnosis. This simple test opened up research that ultimately helped identify the underlying cause of CF.
Paul di Sant’Agnese Legacy Society Members receive:
- Up-to-date information on our progress toward a cure
- Invitations to special events and seminars
- Recognition in select Cystic Fibrosis Foundation newsletters, reports and our Legacy Society webpage
Our Legacy Society members:
Tom and Caryn Adams |
John Adams, II |
Lisa J. Adams |
Marlene Adelmeyer |
Meme Aguila |
Delinda Aker |
Amelia and Bob Albicker |
Julie and Shannon Allen |
Michelle and Gary Allen |
Stacy and McKay Allen |
Lee and Penny Amsler |
Kelly Amsler |
Gertrude E Anderson |
Greg and Mary Kaye Anderson |
Owen and Melissa Anderson |
Robert Anderson |
Shelly Anderson |
Anthony Ferguson and Michelle Andrew |
Janis and Richard Andrews |
Helen Angell |
Monica Angelovich |
Dawayne Armbruster |
Harrison Armstrong |
Janice Armstrong |
Maria Arroyo |
Carolyn and Mike Asher |
Kasia and Jacob Astbury |
Sara Sue Athans |
Dianna Attaway |
Debby Austin LaCerais |
Mabelle Baepler |
Roger Bagbey |
Jenna and Jeremy Baier |
Rebecca Bailey |
Ingrid Baker |
Jean Baker |
Maureen Ballard |
Jim Barach |
Anne and Brent Baranko |
Sharon Baranoff |
Joan and Ray Barnum |
Peter and Amy Barry |
Bart Barthelemy |
Charles Bartnik |
Sylvia Baum |
Tony and Patricia Baxter |
Drs. Arlene and Sheldon Bearman |
Piper and Patrick Beatty Welshf |
William Beck |
Sarah Becker |
Stephen Becker |
Kay Bedwell |
Melissa Begin |
Laura Bellizzi |
Cindy Belohlavek |
Jessica Benjamin |
Mike and Deb Bennett |
Carol Bercen |
Dianne Berger |
Ron and Sue Berman |
Sarah Bertollini |
Rick and Susan Besant |
Ali Bethel |
Abraham and Bonnee Binker |
Huberta and Scott Bishop |
Michael Bishop |
Kal and Karen Blackburn |
Kisha Blair |
Margeanne Blinn |
Michelle M. Bloomingburg |
Brian and Laura Blundell |
Will and Ginny Boland |
Emma and Raul Bonilla |
Peter Boonstra |
Lori and Mark Bort |
Jon and Mary Kay Bottorff |
Kendra Bowman |
Richard Bowman |
Rick and Judith Bowman |
Sissy Boyd |
Bonnie Boyer |
Michael and Lynn Boyle |
The Brakefield Family |
Marilyn Brandon |
William Branigan |
Rita A Brazell |
Liz Brennan |
Hugh and Alice Breslin |
Marilyn Bresnahan |
Sara Breyman |
Gary and Sherry Brient |
Ronald and Marcia Brink |
Lisa and Patrick Brochu |
Molly & Stewart Bronaugh & daughter Mary B. Jackson |
Clinton and Dorothy Brown |
Gudrun Brown |
Diana and Jim Brown |
Joan Brown |
Dixie and Albert Brubaker |
Richard and Judith Bryan |
Mark Buccolo |
Janet and John Bulian |
Kelly Bullington |
Bob Burasco |
Deidre Burke |
Scott and Deidre Burke |
Holly Long Burke |
Robert and Sharon Burke |
Patty Burks |
Glenna Bush |
Debra Bust |
Ryan Callahan |
Bruce and Patty Cameron |
Paul and Mary Cameron |
John Camire |
Richard Campbell |
Steve and Katherine Cance |
Lauri Capano and David Greenberg |
Fred Carlson |
Keith Carlson |
Karen Carpenter-Palumbo |
Rick and Evelyn Carter |
Christopher and Patricia Casa Santa |
Marc and Margarete Cassalina |
Sharon Castillo |
Tom and Julie Caturia |
Gerald and Elizabeth Caudill |
Victor and Linda Cenci |
Chip and Mary Brennan |
Jayne Charles |
Joy Charney |
David and Lori Chaumont |
Daryl Chesney |
James Christen |
Gail and Robert Chrzan |
Pam Chudzik |
Mark and Lauren Cierpial |
Rick and Vicki Cissell |
Ronald and Sherry Clardy |
Anne P. Clark |
Edith Claudie Clark |
Janet and Roger Clark |
Michael and Pamela Clark |
Perry and Kelli Clark |
Dana Clarke |
Lynn and Richard Clough |
Dr. Scott and Karen Cobel |
Bonnie Cohen |
Matt and Vicki Colbert |
Buck Cole |
Bernice Coleman |
Credell L. Coleman |
Michael Colgate |
Dr. and Mrs. David Collins |
Charles Colmark |
Toby Colo |
Sr. Lucy Comer |
Donald Condron |
Lisa A Condon-Johnson |
Jessica Coniglio |
Kathy Conley |
David and Jennifer “Jinx” Constine |
Joseph and Catherine Conti |
Judith and Keith Cook |
Joseph and Maureen Corcoran |
May Corda |
Kathy Cornelius |
Maira Correa |
Josh Corringham |
Dean Covert |
Jessica Cox |
Nolan Cox |
Edward Coyle |
Anna Marie Criss |
Thomas Cromeans |
Bobby and Elke Crow |
David and Kathy Crowell |
Pat and Molly Crowley |
Diane Cushman Neal & Scott Neal |
Ashleigh Cybak |
Travis J Dailey |
Diane Dalrymple |
Mike and Tammy Daly |
Lawrence and Sheryle Daly |
John and Mary D’Angelo |
Kathryn Danskin |
Jim and Kathy Darling |
Matthew and Shannon Dauksza |
Thomas and Frances Davenport |
Glenn Davis |
T. Richard and Alta Davis |
Roseanne Davis |
Rick De Camp |
Deborah Deacon |
Michael and Patricia Dean |
Johanna DeAngelo |
Doug DeCinces |
Michael and Allison DeKoning |
Ronda Dell’Ario |
Gina and John Mark Demchyk |
Stephen and Barbara Denahan |
Tim and Beth Denham |
Karen and Michael Denham |
Richard Dennert |
Christie Derbin |
Cathy Dernorsek |
Christi Derreberry |
William and Taylor DeSousa |
Louise and Warner Detrick |
Bradley DeWitt, PA |
Sharon Dezutti |
Alice Dibble |
Nancy Diedrich |
Fred Dittrich |
Leo Dobard |
Stacy and Jerry Dollar |
The Doty Family |
Susan Drury |
Satish C. Duggal |
Kent and Kathy Duncan |
Scott Duncan |
Barbara Dunham |
Colleen Dunn |
Dixie Lea Durham |
Elizabeth Dykes |
Susan Eagan |
Ryan Efros |
Kenneth Elconin, MD |
Jim and Sharon Ellen |
Eric and Rebecca Eller |
Jack and Catherine Elliott |
Gini Ellis |
David and Carolyn Engle |
Lenai Engler |
Margaret Enquist |
Emaline Erickson |
Mary Erickson |
Joann Eschenburg |
Lee and Joan Esler |
Matthew and Lindsay Eurton |
Gayla and Bill Evans |
Irene and Bill Exter |
Dick and Sue Fader |
Mitchel and Catherine Fain |
Noreen Farnham |
John and Trudy Farrell |
Wayne and Trish Farrell |
Reid Farrell, Jr. |
Linda Farrington and Donald Gouchie |
Giuseppina Fazzone |
Patrick J. Feeley |
Michael and Maureen Feely |
Bob and Cindy Feldman |
The Feeney Family |
Morgan Ferguson |
Marco Ferri and Alexandra de la Asuncion |
Donna Finchum |
Peter Brooks and Joan Finnegan Brooks |
Barbara Fischbein |
Mark and Janet Fischer |
Harold and Eileen Fisher |
Shaina Flesser |
Nona and Giles Florence |
Dr. Nicole Flores and Mr. Dan Aja |
Sandy Foland |
Garrett and Judy Fonda |
Jane Hamilton Ford |
Deborah Foster |
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foster |
Chuck and Amy Fox |
Shelly Francis |
Maureen Fraser |
Roxanne Freberg |
Kathy French |
Bob and Yvonne Frengel |
Deb and Art Friedson |
James Frondorf |
Teri Fuller Bush |
Randall S. Fuller, Sr. |
Kristin Gabor |
Doreen Gagnon |
Danielle and Jim Gallagher |
Mary Ann Gambino |
Herman and Elle Gans |
June Gargac |
Paulino Garia |
David Earl Gerson |
Debbie Gaul |
Ellen L. Gaynor |
Jennifer Gell |
Ronald and Sharon Gendreau |
Donna George |
Rita and Bill Gershon |
Bonnie and Roy Gessler |
John and Lynn Getz |
Jamie Gibson |
Amber Gifford |
Dean and Mary Gillaspey |
Norman and Lynn Ginsburg |
Elizabeth Gisch |
Margaret Gisch |
Cecilia Glaser |
Timothy T. Goetz |
Kathryn Goff |
James Goodson |
Maggie Goodson |
Dorothy E. Gordon |
Donna Gorman |
Donna Gorman |
Larry S. Gorman and Geraldine A. Gorman |
Marsha Gottwalles |
Andrea Gould and Michael Marks |
Jennifer Grady |
Michael and Jacki Grady |
Karen Graybeal |
Anthony and Mary Ann Greco |
Gary Green |
Bill and Gayle Greenberg |
Doris Greene |
Shelly and Michael Greene |
Roberta Gregoire |
Jim and Paula Gribble |
Robert and Carol Griego |
Len Griffin |
Betty and Grant Griffith |
Dr. Jody Gross and Jerry Goldberg |
Paul and Bonnie Grossman |
Tim and Dana Guidish |
Cassondra Guilbeau |
Laura Hadley |
Martin Leo Hager |
Beverly and Bradley Hahn |
Karen Hall |
Brad Halverson |
Calvin Hamburger |
Lisa and Jonathan Hamburger and Family |
Allan Hamilton |
Robert and Anna Hammerton |
Robert and Pamela Haned |
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Linda Hanna |
Catherine Hannahan |
Joan Hardy |
Anne Harris |
Dawn Harris |
Charles Harrison |
Peggy Harrold |
Marilyn Hartzell and Kerrie Stanlee |
Mark and Diane Harvey |
Beverly Haslauer |
Chad and Victoria Hawley |
Lora and James Hazelwood |
Donald Headley |
May Healtherly |
Ruth and Jerry Heber |
Nancy Heberlein |
Barbara A. Heffron |
Lee Hein |
Wes Heine |
Cynthia Heinrich and Nicholas Payne |
Sue E. Henderson |
Mike and Cynthia Hendricks |
Phyllis Henson |
Paula Herbert |
Rick Herbert |
Doreen and Tim Herbert |
Scott and Jill Herbst |
Leonard V. Hassenstab and Adele M. Hassenstab Trust |
Alan and Kerry Herrick |
Susan Hescock |
Matthew Hesse and Marla Moskowitz-Hess |
Pamela Hester |
Lisa Hettinger |
James and Anna Patricia Heyser |
Pam and Lee Hibler |
James Higgins |
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hines |
Jackie Hodge |
Peter Hodge |
Lee Hoilman |
Dorcas Hollenweger |
Brad and Jill Holmes |
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holmes |
Lisa Holzum |
Richard Honicky |
Joan and David Hoopengardner |
Bill and Kathy Hoover |
Mark and Maryann Horak |
Richard Horton |
Brittney Householder |
Mark and Haron Housman |
Marissa Hovey |
Bethany Howell |
Deborah Howell |
Julie Howell |
Carol Ann Howitz |
James and Judith Hoyer |
Pat Hoyland-Smith and Gordon Smith |
John F. Hubbard |
Briana Hudson |
Donald and Ranie Hunter |
Kathy Hutchinson |
Joy and Murph Hutson |
Lyndon Ibele |
Janet Iles |
Beverly Infantino |
Carol and Richard Israel |
Virginia Ivancich |
Robert P. Ives |
Patricia Jackson |
Russ Jackson |
Kurt Jaeger |
Cory and Jennifer Jaetzold |
Ann James |
Beverly James |
Sandra Kay James |
Brenda Jay |
Jim and Marsha Jay |
Faye Jeffcoat |
Anna Jenkin |
Heather Jenkins-Knight |
Carol Jennings |
Ann Marie Jewell |
Bryan and Anna Johnson |
David and Michele Johnson |
Julie Johnson |
James Johnson and Laurie Dewispelaere |
Chet and Erika Judd |
John Judge |
Monica L. Judge |
Karen Kaiser |
Azi and Brian Kaider |
Paul M. and Nancy A. Kankula |
Galin Karpisek and Joyce Fledderman |
Sherry Kast |
Curtis and Sara Kasten |
Fran Kaya |
Patricia Keady |
Patricia Kean |
Evette Keers |
Mary Keese |
Beverly Kelly |
Caroline and Ryan Kelly |
Keith and Gail Kelly |
Maggie Kelly |
Sean Kelsey |
Holly Kemp |
Cindy Kennard |
Anne Kenny |
Honi R. Kibler and the late Charles R. Kibler |
Jodi and Jeff King |
Martha King |
Noelle and Jason Kirby |
Cheri and Tom Klausing |
Bill and Marilyn Kleman |
Dinah Kline |
R.H. and Colleen Klug |
Mary Knapp |
June Knox |
Bruce Knutson |
Milton and Susan Koch |
Biju Kochukutty |
Jen and Mike Koke |
Lloyd and Sandra Koops |
David Kopp |
Amber Kornreich |
Sheri Kosmos |
Nicole Kowal |
Frank Kraus |
Marcia Kraut |
Barbara Kreager and Timothy Brenton |
Donald Kreis |
Gary M. Krumm |
Norm and Patricia Kvam |
Patricia Kyndberg |
Virginia M. Kyndberg |
David Lacanne |
Jay Lagman |
Kathy Lahey |
Jo Ann Lane |
Bill and Cindy Lapworth |
Frank and Sue LaRosa |
Steve and Joan Larson |
John and Susan Lauer |
Richard and Marla Lavanture |
Dan and Susan Lazar |
Derek and Rachel League |
Erin Leahey |
Erin Leahy |
Janet Leahy |
Mike and Jane Leeuw |
Joan Lehman |
Tim and Deb Lenihan |
Cindy Lennox |
Josephine Lepore |
Jane and Len Levine |
Mark and Dolores Levine |
Linda Lewis |
Dorothy Lifka and Michael Martin |
Cass Lindenberger |
Brian and Lucinda Lindmeier |
Kiersten Lindskoog |
Melissa Lingafelter |
Nancy Link |
Kaiya Jennifer Linn |
Kim Liston |
Robert and Margaret Litan |
Lizotte Family |
Frank London |
Debra and David Longhini |
Grant Lovelle |
Virginia Lowery |
Nicci Lowrey |
Suzanne Ludlam |
Maria Luisi |
Susan and Robert Lupini |
Mark Miccioli and Angela R. Lynn |
Marilu MacCarthy |
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Mackesey |
Gary and Denise MacLean |
Shayne Magdoff |
Mary Jo and Michael Magee |
Mary Maggio Fischer |
Berteil and James Mahoney |
Jacqueline Nicole Mahoney |
Christina Majka and Michael Watkins |
Willie Mallett |
Roberta Manser |
Joseph Manzi |
Mrs. Cory Marcoux |
Antoinette Marino |
Tracy Marino |
David Marion |
Jane Markell |
Barbara Markoff and River Kaster |
Harris Markowitz |
Dean T. Marquis |
Theresa Marron |
Carole Marshall |
Janice and Doug Martins |
Dave Mathews |
Robert and Sue Matlock |
Robert Matthews |
Thomas and Jeannine Matuszak |
Mary McAlpine |
Chris and Elizabeth McCain |
Mary E. McCarthy |
John and Debbie McConnell |
Oakie McConnell |
Eileen and Michael McConville |
Kimberley McCoy |
Elizabeth McCune |
Mike and Mary Jo McCurley |
Denise McDonald |
Patricia McDonald |
Margaret McElliot |
Mike and Mary Jayne McGinnis |
Marilyn McGinty |
Kelly McHale |
Carol McKeever |
Randy and Donna McKinney |
Kerry McLaughlin |
Mr. Gary McLhinney |
Diane McMahon |
Connie McManus |
Sherry and John McMillan |
John and Susan McMurry |
Rhonda McNamara |
Stephen and Beth McParland |
Jonathan McTague |
Molly and Ed Meisenheimer |
Catherine Meixner |
Joan M Merkel |
Jane Merrill |
Sandy Merritt |
Lou and Pam Mertz |
Mark and Jan Messenger |
Larry Meyer |
Jane and James Mignone |
Cynthia Miller |
Jim and Barbara Miller |
Lois Miller |
Christine Millner Gay and Donnie Gay |
Jerry Mills |
Mona Mills |
Brenda and Nicholas Milo |
Stephen and Jennifer Miner |
Andrew Mirabole |
Carol Mitchell |
Nona Mobley |
Brad Mohn |
Calvin Michael Moniz |
Rodney and Janie Montang |
Kaylene Moon |
George Moore |
Antonio and Herminia Morales |
Bonnie Morinville |
Willard Morris |
Stacey Morrison |
Kyle and Sandra Morse |
Denise Morton |
Gene and Diana Moses |
Paul and Debbie Motenko |
Nancy Mucciaccio |
Wendy and Charles Mueller |
Anton Mukans |
Tony and Mary Mukans |
Patricia Mullins |
Adair Murdoch |
Chris and Linda Murphy |
Terry Murphy |
Tim Murphy |
Greg and Beth Myers |
Lauren Deanna Myerson |
Loretta Myers-Roberts |
Cindy and Mark Nappa |
Robert Nardella |
Lester Nathan |
Irv and Elaine Nathanson |
Diance Cushman Neal & Scott Neal |
Joan Nelson |
Mary Elizabeth Nelson |
Stelling and Sandy Nelson |
Steve and Melissa Nelson |
Danielle Nelson Poisal |
Anton and Kelli Newman |
Dana Newman and Andy Wolle |
Deb and Scott Newman |
Rhea Nicotra |
Sam Nicotra |
Robert and Kate Niehaus |
Lucy Nizinski |
Brian and Janet Nock |
Sharon Noel |
Carlos Normandia |
Robert and Mary Novak |
Anny Ockenfeld |
Barbara A O’Connell |
Matt and Kellene O’Connell |
Anne McCreary O’Connor |
Lisa O’Connor |
Kate O’Donnell |
Michael and Suzanna O’Donnell |
Anne Oestricher |
Emile and Audrey Oestriecher |
Cristin O’Hara |
George Onda |
Michael and Theresa Ornoff |
Bill and Susan Orr |
Larry and Gail Ortegren |
Louie and Joan Ostrom |
Margie Ostrower |
Virginia Pallotta |
Denis Pancoast |
Bob and Lana Pancoast |
Shanna and Gabe Paloa |
John Parente |
Steven Park |
Russell and Eleanor Parker |
Jeff Parsons |
Ronald H Patron |
Carol Patterson |
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard T. Pawlowicz |
Dennis and Suzanne Pederson |
Judy Pekich |
Debi and Steve Pelican |
Robert Pennington |
Thomas and Roxanne Perkins |
Maureen Perlette |
Arlene and Richard Perna-Rudmann |
Richard J Perry, Jr. |
Robert Pettit |
Michael Piccinini |
Cara and David Pick |
Colleen N. Pinson |
Sally and Neil Plumley |
Jeff and Tricia Poché |
Melodee Pomerantz |
Dottie Priddy |
Valorie Promisel |
James D. Proud |
Danny Proulx |
Janice and Jeremy Quast |
Laurent Quenaud |
Brita Qwinn |
Miriam Raber |
Katherine and Jonathan Raffensperger |
Debra Rao |
Betsy Rapp |
Erma and William Rau |
Katie and William Ray |
Virginia Raybould |
Chris Reed |
Pam Reed Baker |
Jan Reichert |
Gary and Regina Reid |
Tyler Reinert |
Barbara Reither |
Kathy and James Remerscheid |
Wendy and Michael Remington |
Anneliese Renaud |
Kristina Renshaw and Michael Yarnell |
Joan Roettaliata |
Elizabeth Rials |
Robert Riccio |
Bernadette Rice |
Julie Rice |
Mr. Phillip Richardson |
Donna and Jim Riesberg |
The Riley Family |
Carlton Rilling |
Thomas Rinehart |
Scott and Kelly Ringwald |
Dr. Stephen and Mrs. Cindi Ripple |
Brenda Ritchie |
Scot and Karen Rittenbaum |
Marie Ritter |
Deb Rivkin |
Ken Roberts |
Cathleen Robertson |
Sarah Robinson |
Gretchen Rohleder |
Jennifer and Dayton Roller |
Robert Rosan |
Dr. Joseph V. Rosano |
Bonnie and Michael Rose |
Elana Rosen |
Bruce Rosenberg and Debbie Solomon |
Morris and Gail Rosenberg |
Linda Rosenthal |
Bob Roser |
Sitara Ross |
Michael Roy |
Bob and Jeanne Rustic |
Luis and Linda Sagastume |
Kelly Salentine |
Dean and Reanna Saling |
Christine Salmas |
Gail Salvatierra |
Barbara Salvi |
The Salyer Family |
Mary Sand |
Judi and Tom Sanford |
Lori Santangelo |
Alicia and Peter Haslag |
Pauline Sapountzaki |
Sara Ashley Sapp |
Jeanne Sarbocca |
Casey Saunders |
Josie Schaeffer |
Eriann Scharer |
Regina R. Schewe |
Christopher Schiess |
Jamie and Marian Schlosser |
Sandra Schmitt |
Ursula Schneider |
Janis Schoomaker |
Lynn Schreder and Andrea Garland |
Helen Schultz |
Ellen and Todd Schwanke |
John Schwartz and Barbara Schwartz |
Joe Schwei |
Donald Scott |
Lewis and Arline Scott |
Sherrie Scott |
Donald and Elaina Scruggs |
Cherry Sears |
LaRoy and Mary Seaver |
Alice Seelinger |
Robbin Seipold |
Nelson Selby |
Shelby Sellers |
Steven and Arlene Senser |
Wilbur and Lucy Sensing |
Jeff and Solange Serocke |
Jamie and Chas Seymour |
Ann Shaw |
Sue Shaw |
Esther “Starr” Shea |
Cynthia Sheaffer |
Bill and Lynn Shearer |
John Shelly and Kerry Dunn |
John L. Shields |
Harriet and Jim Shoop |
Bill Shore |
Ralph Shultz |
The Sielicki Family |
Mike and Denise Silva |
Linda and Joseph M. Silverman |
Ronald and Paula Silverman |
Audrey Simek |
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Simpson, Jr. |
Ashvani Singh |
Russell Sinni |
Kay Sirpless |
Virginia Sittler |
Babs and Shaw Skillings |
Helen and Ev Slechta |
Jack J. Slosky, Ph.D |
Jerry Slowinski |
Kim Slowinski |
Carmen Smith |
Gary Smith |
Margaret Smith |
Matthew Smith |
Robert and Kathy Mae Smith |
Todd W. Smith |
Clay and Lori Snellings |
Carl and Linda Snider |
Sandra Snodgrass |
Janice Snook |
Doris and Frank Snyder |
Jerry and Sharon Socherman |
Karen Sontag |
Michele and Steve Soteres |
Beckie Southwell |
Helen Spangler |
Angela and Sonny Spera |
Christine Spokes |
Nicole and Jeremy Spooner |
Dr. H Karl Springob |
William Squires |
Phil and Betty Stage |
Ken Stannard |
Nancy and Mike Stansbury |
Suzanne Stasiak |
Robert Stein |
Kelsey Steiner |
Leslie Sternlieb |
Sandra Stockwell |
Bob & Kristin Stolz |
Abbie Stoppa |
Dean Storm |
Sharon Storm |
Jaclyn and Drew Strube |
Wendy Stump |
David K. Subin, M.D. |
Melody Sugg |
Cheryl and Mike Sullivan |
Pam Fair and Glen Sullivan |
William Sullivan |
Tri Sumarno |
Ketti and Jason Sweeney |
John and Carole Sutherland |
Wallace and JoAnn Sweeney |
Harriet Swider |
Theodora Fine and John Szabo |
Marilyn Tabor |
Annelle and Martin Tanner |
Richard and Tracie Tarnow |
Marty L Tatro |
Carol and Tim Taylor |
Gwyn and Billy Taylor |
Jeremy J. Taylor |
John Taylor |
The Taylors |
Robert L. Teweles and Karen J. Dandurand |
Paul Therrien |
Alexandra Thibodeau |
Douglas and Kate Thoene |
Patricia Thoene |
Gary and Dotty Thomas |
Philip and Betsy Thomas |
Thomas and Pat Thomas |
Toby and Sheri Thomas |
Joanne Thompson |
Liz Thompson |
Ashleigh Tharp |
Laura and Lew Tillman |
Kathy Tipton |
Mac and Lauren Tisdale |
Ted and Joyce Toal |
Kathy Tomasheski |
Pansy and Thomas Tomlinson |
John and Jenn Torrese |
Angela Tortu |
Jill and Scott Trimmer |
Robert and Cyndi Troop |
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Trotter |
Lillie Tuefel |
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tully |
Michael Turner and Claire Brownell |
Rudolph Urbano |
Wanda Usner |
Kimberly and Steve Valdez |
Rich Valley |
Greg and M Van Horn |
Amy Van Vranken |
Wilma Vander Molen |
Page Varner |
Paige and Tim Vaughn |
Nancy Vecchia |
Carol Ventour |
Michelle and Mike Vermeland |
Loren and Carolyn Vian |
Gail Viebig |
Glenn Viemeister |
James and Susan Vilas |
Betsy Vohs |
Stephanie Von Isenburg |
Tim A. Waire Jr. |
Terry and Steve Waite |
Mark and Catherine Walchak |
Randy Waldman |
Jill and Rick Walker |
Joanne Walker |
Margaret Walker |
Melissa Wallentine |
Mary Jane and Gerry Walsh |
Dennis and Julie Walsh |
Steven and Carol Walvisch |
David Warren |
Dianne Waterloo |
Chuck and Lynn Watson |
Dean Weber |
Jennifer Weber |
Meg Weber |
Robert and Judy Weber |
Michael Weidner |
Larry Weinstein |
Colleen Weis and Martin Laiks |
Jamie Weissburg |
David Wendling |
Donna West |
Peggy West and George Billings |
Sherine West |
Janet Weyer |
Christina Marie Whatmough |
Robert and Charlotte Wheeler |
Karren Whelan and Jim Smallridge |
Paul W. and Jane Whetsell |
Kelsey and Nick White |
Leila White |
Paul White |
Becky and Mike Whitmire |
Harris and Mary Whitt |
Louise Wilkie |
Amber Willems |
Larry Willey |
Buddy and Linda Williams |
Harriette Williams |
Jane Williams |
Janet Williams |
Jerry and Jane Williams |
Jillain Williams |
Margit Bessenyey Williams |
Barbara Wilson |
Dana Wilson |
Janice Wilson |
John and Karen Wilson |
Jo Ann Winn |
Sue Wirth |
Laura and Cory Wise |
Matthew Witten and Nancy Seid |
Carolyn Woods |
Jeremy Jacob Woolridge |
Tina Woosley |
Vanetta Wright |
Brent Xavier |
Linda Yaple |
Barbara Yeager |
David Yeager |
Christopher and Kathryn Yenchek |
Matthew Yeo and Julie Schallhorn |
David and Denise Youngberg |
Amanda Zar |
Robert Zentmeyer |
Anonymous (211) |
Share Your Legacy
Please let us know if you've already included a gift for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in your will, trust or as a beneficiary. Providing us with documentation is the best way to ensure that your gift is used in the way you intend. Of course, some of our donors prefer to remain anonymous. Therefore, any inquiries made to the CF Foundation will be kept confidential.
The Impact of Your Giving
The CF Foundation supports a broad range of research initiatives to tackle the disease from all angles.
A gift in your will or trust, or by beneficiary designation could turn into a cure for cystic fibrosis.
Compass is a personalized, one-on-one service that provides those affected by cystic fibrosis, a partner in dealing with challenges related to life with CF.
Get Involved
There are many ways to support and connect with people with CF and their families. You can advocate, connect, fundraise, volunteer, attend an event and give to the cause!